Back in January, we mentioned the four new board members working towards our mission in 2021. We wanted to take the opportunity this month to introduce you all to those new members and tell you a little bit about them. Over the past few months, we have been lucky to see these new members in action. Let’s just say… big things are coming! All four members have been proactive in their contributions of new ideas, support, and engagement during meetings.
Without further ado, please give a warm Renesting welcome to our newest board members:
Right now our board is focusing on Give for Good, a 24-hour online giving bonanza, challenge, and all-around good time! Give for Good is May 4th (the first Tuesday of May!). You can participate by donating on May 4th, sharing our social media posts, helping us win prizes on the day, and encouraging/challenging your friends and family to participate. For more information about what Give for Good is, you can visit the Community Foundation website.
Renesting is excited for all the amazing things the 2021 board is working on this year. Stay tuned for updates here on the blog and our Facebook page!