Pickup Request Form Donation Pick Up Request Please note, we are booked through mid November. Use this form to request a donation pick up from Renesting staff & volunteers. 1Furniture Pre-Screening Questions2Donor & Furniture Information Thank you for choosing Renesting Project, Inc.! We offer a pick-up service for donors in the SBC that cannot transport items themselves. Begin with the Pre-Screening Questions below to start the Pick-Up Request.Can all furniture pieces be lifted, carried, and maneuvered into a truck by 2 or fewer people?(Required) Yes, two people could load my items. No, my items are large, heavy, and would require more than two people. Do any of the items have broken or chipped glass, any stains, tears, or excessive pet hair that may be difficult to remove?(Required) Yes, one or more items have damage. No, all the items are in good condition. Have any of the items been left outside at any time, wet at any time, or ever had a pest infestation of any kind (fleas, lice, mice, roaches, bedbugs, etc.)?(Required) Yes, one or more items have been left outside, wet, or experience infestation. No, all items have remained indoors, stayed dry, and been free of pests. At the time of pick up, will all items be located on the ground floor or within 20 feet of an operational elevator that will fit the items?(Required) Yes, my items are on the first floor or within 20 feet of an elevator. No, my items are located upstairs. Seems like your items do not qualify for our donation pick up service. Call us with questions. 318-747-5520 | Tuesdays & Thursdays 9a - 4pRead the following statements regarding our Donation Pick Up Policies.The following rules apply to ALL donors.(Required)- Renesting staff can refuse requests. - Renesting staff will refuse items that cannot be used. - Renesting staff/volunteers will NOT haul away trash, disassemble furniture, pack up household items for me, or move furniture INTO my home. - Renesting staff/volunteers will NOT carry any items up or down flights of stairs. - Renesting staff/volunteers will NOT transport items to other locations for me. - Renesting cannot guarantee accommodation of my deadlines. - Renesting's Donation Pick Up Service is only available in Shreveport/Bossier and surrounding areas. - I must have TWO or more items to qualify for a pick up service. I understand.I understand that a Renesting Project staff member will call me the day of my scheduled pick up. I understand that failing to answer or return this call in a timely manner may result in my appointment being skipped. I understand that the call on the day of my pick up may come from a personal cell phone and that I will not call or text that phone number after my pick up service is complete.(Required) I understand. Please complete the following fields.Name(Required) First Last Primary Phone Number(Required)Please provide your phone number so we can contact you to schedule a pick up.E-mail Address Address(Required)Please provide the address from which you need the furniture picked up. Renesting Project reserves the right to reject or delay requests based on location. Street Address Address Line 2 City ZIP Code DeadlinePlease let us know if you have to have the furniture out by a certain date. We cannot make any promises but will try to accommodate your deadline.Furniture(Required)How many pieces of furniture do you have?Please enter a number from 2 to 20.Furniture Cont.(Required)Please list the furniture items you have and the quantity.Photos of Furniture PiecesPlease provide photos of the furniture items you have. This will help us plan for space and give you a heads up if the items you are wanting to donate do not work for our clients/mission (too large, too damaged, etc.) Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, png, pdf, heic, , Max. file size: 16 MB, Max. files: 15. Household Items(Required)Do you have any non-furniture household items that you would like picked up while we are there loading the furniture? Yes No All non furniture items must be boxed or bagged for us to easily pack them in our truck. Things like lamps and TVs are the only exception. We will not load items that are not boxed or bagged.Best Day(Required)Which of the following best represents your availability? Please note we cannot guarantee a particular Wednesday, Friday, or Saturday. Wednesdays or Fridays Saturdays I can make either work. Please add any additional comments or concernsLast questions! Please tell us anything else we may need to know about the location, the furniture, or you!FeeFEES ARE CURRENTLY BEING WAIVED FOR THE FIRST QUARTER OF 2024 | However, donations are always welcomed to help us cover the cost of fuel, truck maintenance, and other program related costs!Would you like to Make an Optional Donation?(Required) Yes No Donation AmountOptional, but appreciated!! Credit Card Check OutUse the form below to complete your monetary donation.Card Details Cardholder Name Total CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ