re2020 is today!
After months of planning and preparing, the day is finally here! While the auction has been open since October 1st, today is the last day to bid. The auction closes at 10 pm tonight.
Head on over to to view items, that is if you haven’t already been watching and planning and plotting to outbid everyone else.
Don’t forget to head on over to our live stream event at 6:30 PM. While it is being streamed from Facebook, you don’t have to have an account to participate! Simply follow this link to the video to see a few familiar faces. Fairfield Studios produced this live-stream event and we have had so much for working with them! You can expect tours, testimonials, auction item highlights, and a front-row seat into a behind-the-scenes peek at what makes Renesting Project such an important part of our community.
If you have a Facebook account, please comment, ask questions, tell us how your bidding is going- we want to engage with you! We will have staff and board members standing by to answer your questions, encourage you to keep fighting in your bid war and help you through the checkout process if you have any trouble. You can also check out our Frequently Asked Questions page. Or, refresh your memory with a walkthrough on bidding, paying, and picking up items in last week’s blog post!
re2020 is today. We know it won’t be like last year, but we know our sponsors, donors, supporters, fans, and family will make it our best event yet.
Thank you in advance for your support and participation, we couldn’t do it without you.