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World Gratitude Day!

World Gratitude Day!

World Gratitude Day is today, September 21st! It’s a day to acknowledge the things in your life you’re thankful for, as well as explore the benefits of gratitude and appreciation. To celebrate Renesting asked our volunteers, staff, and donors to tell us...
Give for Good 2021

Give for Good 2021

Every year on the first Tuesday of May, the Community Foundation of North Louisiana (CFNLA) leads a 24-hour online giving challenge called Give for Good. Nonprofits all over North Louisiana register to participate on the Give for Good website. The profiles allow...
New Board Member Introductions!

New Board Member Introductions!

Back in January, we mentioned the four new board members working towards our mission in 2021. We wanted to take the opportunity this month to introduce you all to those new members and tell you a little bit about them. Over the past few months, we have been lucky to...
Spring Cleaning: Good for you and us!

Spring Cleaning: Good for you and us!

It’s almost Spring! And that means time for spring cleaning; time to clean, declutter, refresh, and donate to Renesting! Spring cleaning is one of those things everyone talks about doing, that we know is kind of important, but that we all hate doing. Who wants...